速報APP / 工具 / Vibe Digital Whiteboard Canvas

Vibe Digital Whiteboard Canvas



檔案大小:13.8 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Vibe Digital Whiteboard Canvas(圖1)-速報App

Vibe’s interactive digital whiteboard software empowers your team to collaborate, innovate, and ideate like never before.

Create boards to write and draw, and have others join in real-time. You’ll get all of the benefits of a physical whiteboard, complete with sticky notes. With Vibe’s collaboration features, you can engage with people in other locations, join and access boards in real-time, move images and text, and annotate pdfs and presentations. As you work, boards are automatically saved to your Vibe account, so you can easily pick up where you left off.

**Vibe has full functionality on iPad and is view-only on iPhone**. The Vibe app is fully compatible with the Vibe board, a 55” 4k touchscreen smartboard for offices, classrooms, and homes.


• Write and sketch on an infinite canvas

• Change pen size and color to get your point across

Vibe Digital Whiteboard Canvas(圖2)-速報App

• Create moveable sticky-notes for annotations and brainstorming

• Join and share boards to collaborate with others in real-time

• Export boards to PDF to share with colleagues and friends

• Import images or PDF documents into the canvas for easy annotation

• Call attention to presentations with the highlighter and laser pointer tool

• Quick sign-in via QR code scanner for your Vibe board hardware

Vibe Digital Whiteboard Canvas(圖3)-速報App

Ideal for businesses, home offices, schools and classrooms, with Vibe you have the freedom to communicate and create interactively. Whether you’re building a project alongside your team members, conducting a brainstorming or training session, or presenting in a client meeting, Vibe’s collaboration software makes it easy to share ideas.

Vibe is collaboration software for however you work, create, brainstorm, ideate, connect, and share - check out our website for more info: https://vibe.us.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad